Monday, March 19, 2012


Since it was such a nice week of weather we had it inspired me to get out my paints and create a display of colors waiting to come into bloom.
I even found a use for some of those leftover flowers from the crayong melting project!

As soon as it's dry I'll post a new picture of the finished piece.

I wanted to post this picture since I will be replacing it with the new field of flowers.  It was done shortly after I broke my arm (clear up by my right shoulder).  It's a good thing I'm left handed or I would have been in trouble.  I was home from work for more than four weeks and was starting to get really bored.  I had my husband help me get out my paint supplies and set up at the kitchen table...where I love to paint.  There were alot of trials and tribulations with figuring out how to keep the easle from moving and just getting the feel of painting with only one hand, but I managed and this was the result.
I've been very happy with it and it's been proudly dispayed at my desk at work, but it's now time to think spring and bring in some happy colors.

Happy Crafting!

just another,
Craft Fanatic

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